Tag Archives: annoy

Enough already!

babyjaneI’ve heard that the noise of leaf blowers drives people up the wall in the U.S.  We don’t tend to use those things over here in the U.K. (a rake will do us) but I’m assuming that the dreaded leaf blower is mostly a problem reserved for the months of Fall. 

If you’re afflicted with a leaf blowing maniac next door, spare a thought for little me please.  Our neighbours moved in two years ago and on every single [dry] weekend, without fail, the man of the house is out there in the garden either with a chainsaw or strimmer.  All. Day. Long.  Yes his garden looks quite nice and that is way, way better than leaving it to go to rack and ruin, but perleese how much wood can one man find to chop, how much grass can one man rustle up to strim?  Give me a break already!


GentleVoiceOver at Voix Douce – more natural bug control, ie encouraging ladybirds, lacewings, hoverflies etc. to the garden.  Go on – you’re dying to know.


Filed under Home, People watching, Smile / Humour