Tag Archives: Bright

Miss Bright Eyes

Actress Isobel Jay, 1906Our eyes are often the first area of the body to reflect poor health and tiredness.  While there is no substitute for good nutrition, there are a few herbal and alternative remedies which may give a boost to the system and help to maintain beautiful eyes.  Herbalist Jethro Kloss advised taking the juice of a lemon in hot water, one hour before breakfast each day to help cleanse the system. 

Cider vinegar which is rich in potassium (fundamentally involved in so many of the body’s processes), may also be helpful.  Take one tablespoon of the vinegar in a glass of water each morning,  with a tablespoon of honey to sweeten if you like.  It has a cleansing and energizing effect.

There are many, many topical quick fixes that you can try.  Here are just a few:

Cucumber is well known to tone up the eye membranes and cools and soothes tired eyes.  Simply use two slices as eye pads, lie down and relax for 15 minutes.

Witch Hazel on pads of cotton wool can be used as an alternative – better still if you keep the bottle in the fridge. 

Tea bags – allow the tea to brew for five minutes or so, remove the tea bags and allow to cool then use in place of eye-pads.

Finally, if you have access to the revered old herb of ‘eyebright’ (named to obviously reflect one of its many virtues!), make a strong infusion, decant into a bottle and keep in the refridgerator.  Again use the cool liquid on pads of cotton wool, lie down and relax for 15 minutes.

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Filed under Beauty, Herbal alternatives